Build Better Customer Experiences.

And Beat the Competition!

A great Customer Experience (CX) can set you apart from the crowd.
Find out how you can win with CX using Inteletry Strategic CX Services

Communications Designed for Today's Customers.

Your customers are demanding. They want highly personalized, effortless experiences over seamless communications channels. Satisfying these customers and winning over new ones takes more than just adding AI chatbots or sending SMS text notifications 🙁.
Don't fall behind by simply adding new features or technology.

Start thinking more strategically about your customer communications experience by asking,
How can I compete with the kind of experience I offer to my customers?
We can help you answer this very important question and get your communications technology on-track to compete for today's tough customers!

CX Pitfalls to Avoid

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Legacy Communications Channels

Does your business still depend on dial up phone calls and simple messaging channels like chat, email and SMS to communicate with your customers? These high effort "legacy" communications channels are notorious for being difficult to use, expensive, hard to build and maintain, and, worst of all, inherently insecure.
These channels put your most important asset – your connection to your customer – at risk.

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Please wait while I transfer your call...

Customers shudder when they learn their call is about to be transferred. And they have good reason to be concerned. Too often a call transfer does not go well. Common complaints include being transferred to the wrong party, needing to repeat information, and worst of all, getting disconnected.

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Sorry, all of our agents are busy, please hold...

Any amount of time on hold can negatively impact customer experience. A recent survey found that 60% of customers felt that being on hold for just one minute was too long. While wait times can be unavoidable, forcing customers to wait online and on hold is a sure fire way to annoy them.

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What's your name, phone number, pin code, mother's maiden name, etc...

Asking your customers to identity themselves and share data over the phone is not only annoying, insecure and time-consuming, it's expensive. Agents spend, on average, two minutes per call just figuring out who they are talking to and collecting basic information.

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Please Hang Up and Try Your Call Again...

There is nothing more frustrating to a customer than having to start over. Traditional communications channels are notorious for lost signals, disconnects, and dead ends. Relying on these fragile and ephemeral connections means your company must start over as well with each call to rebuild trust and loyalty.

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Make Smarter Communications Decisions

Save Time and Money with Inteletry Strategic CX

Choosing the right customer communication strategy for your business is one of the most important decisions a company can make. And yet so many companies just wing it or, worse yet, rely primarily on sales and marketing information to guide them. Many are just caught in a pattern of doing what they have always done.

Inteletry Strategic CX helps you break out of CX auto-pilot. We'll show you how to save time and money by avoiding using the wrong products and services. With the right technology coupled with the right strategy you can stop wasting your resources and move your business forward.

With more and more people working and communicating online and in mobile apps there is a huge opportunity to increase your bottom line by meeting them where they are and connecting to them directly.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Competitive CX Ideas

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One Click Customer Support

Offering easy, one click solutions relies on understanding the link between products and customers and using that context to start and route calls

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Built In Communications

Why use phone lines when built-in digital communications are easier than ever. The key is knowing how to blend these calls in with other channels.

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Beyond Call Backs

Call backs are great since who wants to hang out on hold? But what about real-time asynchronous messaging coupled with built-in communications?

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One Time Authentication

Authenticate your customers once in your app and use that connection to identify them on other channels.

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Seamless Channel Switching

Start a chat on a web site, switch to an audio call with an agent from your car, continue chatting with them during a meeting -  share video, screens, photos, documents and other relevant data - all in the same persistent conversation.

Get It Done!

Solving Problems and Adding Value

We know how it feels to struggle with implementing new technology and solving communications problems. Inteletry was founded in 2001 by communications technology experts who spent years on the front lines helping contact centers and customer support organization solve their most difficult problems. We have built solutions for some of the top customer service organizations in the world. We know it's a challenge to deliver top notch customer service while also responding to the deluge of calls, texts, emails and chats at a typical contact center.  

Join Our Roster of Distinguished Clients...

Custom CX Development

We love to build applications and have a long history of designing and implementing custom CX solutions for our clients on a number of popular platforms.
We are proud to announce that we were recently accepted into prestigious Genesys AppFoundry Program

Coming Soon! Need a simplified way to build custom IVRs in Genesys Cloud? We are migrating our table driven approach to creating applications that are easier to maintain to the cloud.

Customer testimonials

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare."
Customer Image

Jerome Bell

Marketing Coordinator

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare."
Customer Image

Cody Fisher

President of Sales

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare."
Customer Image

Robert Fox

Web Designer

Let's Do This!

Three easy ways to get started with Inteletry.

Step 1

Check Us Out

We offer free, on-line content to help you understanding what's happening in the world of customer experience and communications technology.
And now, in partnership with OnConvergence, we have a new podcast - Your Call is Very Important to Us.
Learn about the latest trends and get industry insight with hosts Vic Cooper and Tom Brannen

Step 2

Schedule a Free Consultation

Are we a good fit? Are you in a position to take advantage of our services? The best way to find out is speak with one of our well qualified consultants in a no pressure free consultation. Share your challenges, ask questions, and get clear about what the next steps could be.

Step 3

Get a Strategic Assessment

It's often hard for busy contact center managers and staff to find the time to assess all the options, interview stakeholders, document existing systems and purpose new approaches. Our team can quickly bridge this gap with our strategic assessment services.
We offer fast turn around times and clear, well-defined deliverables that don't require a long term commitment.

Do you have a project in mind?

Let’s talk
Our Pledge To You

We Care About You and Your Customers

If you are reading this chances are that you are the kind of person who wakes up in the middle of the night worrying about your customers. Because you care about offering the very best service and support to them. This is not just a job to you. You feel their frustration when they sit on hold too long or have to identify themselves over and over or get disconnected and have to start over. Because you have been there yourself. We have too. That's why we started Inteletry. You understand that behind each call is a real person. Not a statistic in a report to be managed or some abstract problem to be solved.

We believe human dignity demands that everyone be treated with respect no mater which system they interact with, whether face to face or online.

Meet Our Leadership Team

Vic Cooper
Founder & Senior Consultant

Cathy Connors
Senior Developer

Kelly Christoff
Developer QA and Testing


Find the answers you need

How long does it take to design a website?
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What's your process?
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Do you offer SEO service?
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What software do you use?
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Do you offer free stock images?
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Inteletry on the Road...

Hear from founder Vic Cooper at the Enterprise Connect show floor